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Ontology Core

The Ontology Core is focusing on knowledge management, building acupoint ontologies that define nomenclature and connect acupoints with one another and with anatomical structures such as peripheral nerves, muscles, tendons, and fascial bands. Both Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) and biomedical constructs will be included. 


Maryann E. Martone, PhD

Maryann E. Martone, PhD

Professor of Neuroscience

University of California, San Diego and San Francisco VA Hospital

Bernard de Bono, MD, PhD

Whitby et all, Inc. and ABI U. Auckland

Tom Gillespie, PhD


Fahim Imam, PhD

Fahim Imam, PhD

Ontology Engineer,

FAIR Data Informatics Lab,

University of California, San Diego

Ilias Ziogas, PhD

Ilias Ziogas, PhD

Knowledge Curator, Scientific Consultant

University of California San Diego, UCSD



Lixing Lao, PhD, LAc

Professor and President, Virginia University of Integrative Medicine