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Imagine being able to see, online, a 3-D body image with acupoints labeled, and when you click on an acupoint, it links to high-quality research associated with that acupoint, along with showing anatomical structures underneath the skin, in and around each acupoint. And imagine a database you could query to find research associated with various acupoints related to specific conditions.

We need YOUR input to ensure TARA best serves the acupuncture research and clinician community. Imagining HOW TARA would be used by end-users is a critical initial step in its design. Once we have a more detailed idea about how it will be queried once launched, we can design TARA to ensure that this web-based platform best meets those requirements.

The survey linked below was designed to suit that purpose of collecting example queries to a TARA search tool. Here are a handful of example queries we have already collected from the TARA team to give an idea of the types of queries an end user (you) might ask of TARA once it’s designed:

  • What is the anatomy around (maybe within a certain distance) acupoint “X”?
  • What research is connected to acupoint “X”?
  • Which acupoints are most commonly combined and used to treat “Y” condition/symptom?
  • What conditions has acupoint “X” been used to treat?
  • Which internal organs/body parts are connected to treatment protocols using acupoint “X”?
  • Are there any research studies about condition “Y” related to acupoint “X”?
  • Which animal studies use acupoint “X”?
  • What is the common treatment protocol when using acupoint “X” to treat condition “Y”? (i.e. We would be looking to find out from the studies: How deep is the needle inserted? At which angle is the needle placed? What frequency of treatment is used? How long should treatment last to reach a desired effect?) 

The “X” and “Y” variables could be used for ANY acupoint or condition. 

After reading this list, what OTHER types of queries can you think of that you might ask TARA once it launches? Please use the survey link below to share your example queries, as well as any other thoughts and ideas.

Use the link below to share your ideas with the TARA team: